
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week in iPhone Pictures

I take too many pictures with my phone.  Ok, there's no such thing as too many, but seriously, I have a lot.  I needed an outlet for them.  Enter Amy's week in iPhone link up.  Ahhh, that's it.  The perfect way to get them out of my phone - by week!  I actually have the last two weeks here because I started this post many, many days ago, but kept getting interrupted by a little girl who doesn't take any naps.  Plus I basically have no photo-editing software, so I had to figure something out (I used Picasa).

July 15-21

Sunday: Lounging after breakfast with Grandpa.  Monday: A progression of smiles during a quick trip to visit Daddy at work.  A lovely sunset.  Tuesday:  Wearing her Ruby shirt to baby class.  Wednesday:  Squirming around on Mommy & Daddy's bed.

Thursday:  Hangin' out on the playmat, waiting for relatives to come over.  There's nothing like a freshly washed stack of diapers.  Friday:  Little Miss No-Naps strikes again!  Saturday:  Lazing in jammies.  Taking pictures of a cute outfit from Auntie Jen.  Ahhhh, finally, a nap.

July 22-28 

Sunday:  Playing with Daddy.  Monday:  Mama's bird's eye view.  An outfit that lasted about 5 minutes. Picked up some supplies at the craft store.  Trying to get away from Daddy on the yoga ball.  Somebody found her hand.  Tuesday:  Strong baby!  More hand chewing at baby class.  Handprint keepsake finally finished.

Wednesday:  A good nap.  Strollin' like a big girl.  Thursday:  Playing with her "guys".  Picnicking at the winery.  Weird-looking cloud.  Friday:  Somebody's sleeping in my bed!  Making faces.  Boppy lounging.  Saturday:  Fruity onesie.

Making these was fun!  Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up.  Go see what everybody else was up to over on Amy's blog.


  1. Hi Jenny, im Meg and I am also new to my 30s, new to mommyhood (my son is now 10mths) and a fluffy puppy momma to Oliver. We are in New England. and are also 3 gs! :)

  2. Hi Meg, thanks for stopping by. It's nice to "meet" you!

  3. what a cutie! i love that little green bow and that thursday outfit is the best.
