
Monday, November 19, 2012

Week in iPhone Pictures

Good morning!  I've been awake since 5:15 (boo) when the little one last woke to nurse, but I did get to take a shower without being screamed at (yay!).  Unfortunately, my plans of falling right back to sleep after my shower didn't happen, but that means I was able to catch up on this last week in iPhone pics.  Enjoy!

November 11-17

Sunday:  The only non-crying pic I have from that day.  She was having a really hard time being held by anyone other than mommy.  Monday:  This is what happens now when I try to take showers.  She always gets this smug look when she has a mouthful of taggie blanket.  Eating a giraffe.  Tuesday:  There's just something adorable about a baby in a plain white onesie.  Being a cheeseball (with Lamar, of course).  Wednesday:  Visiting grandma and cousin Frankie (and trying to get the patterns off Frankie's shirt).  Cousins.  Laying around with her daddy and her doggie (I love how she's got a hold of Braidy's ear).

Thursday:  Rockin' some legwarmers at baby class (Wendy said, "Oh, Ruby, you're looking very Olivia Newton John today!").  There's that smug look again.  Friday:  Quite smiley for a baby that didn't sleep at all the previous night.  Lunching.  Being very cute (and patient) while I baked some pies.  Saturday:  Stuck in the tunnel in unbelievable traffic - especially since it was 2pm on a Saturday!!!  Hanging out with Auntie Ting.  Pre-fauxThanksgiving dinner.  Trying to drink out of Grandma's glass.

Wow.  It looks like the taggie was a big hit this week.  It's funny how you don't notice that stuff until you go back and look through the week.

And, yes, we had Thanksgiving early.  My brother's girlfriend (Auntie Ting)'s family was in town from Georgia/DC, so we did a Thanksgiving dinner to include them.  It was pretty sweet.  My dad & step-mom hosted, but my mom was also there, as well as my brothers, SIL, niece, and Ting's parents, brother, sister & BIL, and aunt.  Oh, and my older brother's friend Tim, who pretty much spends all holidays with us.  It was quite the party!  Ruby did really well, being held by not me for most of the night (mostly by Auntie Ting & Uncle Zach - they seem to be her faves), and only lost it at the end.  She screamed the whole way home.  Until we were a mile from our house and she fell asleep.  Of course.

Even though we'll go to Mr. G's parent's house for the actual Thanksgiving, my brain has already switched into Christmas mode.  I've been making a wish list for the babe's first Christmas, and scoping out cute Christmas jammies.  Oh!  And I need to go order fabric to make her stocking.  Better go do that now before she wakes up!

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