
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Nursery Progress

My accountability post (here) has really been helping to light a fire under my rear in getting Ruby's nursery done!  I'm happy to say that I've made some progress.

Here's my to-do list:

*Finish the crocheted pillow for her chair.
*Make a slipcover for the ottoman (I already have the fabric, even!)
*Create Pinterest-inspired embroidery hoop art.
*Order and frame "Wild and Precious Life" art.
*Create a custom silhouette ala A Lovely Lark.
*Style the shelf over the changing table.
*Make a pennant banner for the shelf and/or a mobile for over the crib.
*Find a more attractive toy "bin" (maybe this one in either pink or yellow?).
*Find a place to display my childhood horse show ribbons (in colors that match the room, of course), and possibly add more equestrian accents.
*Organize and box up outgrown clothes.
*Put away things no longer used, and give back to Zach if necessary.

The items in red weren't on the list before, but I realized they were necessary.  It felt SO good to get all of her clothes neatly tucked away in matching storage bins for a potential little sister someday.  And I realized that she pretty much never used the play mat anymore, and definitely wasn't using the swing.  Those things were taking up a ton of space, her room looks so much nicer with just them gone!  Both of those things belong to my brother (along with a Boppy and My Brest Friend, and bouncy seat we no longer use).  I'm dying to get that stuff out of my house, but I may as well wait until my friend returns his Bebepod (we traded for her Bumbo), and until Ruby doesn't need the infant bath tub.  Then I can get rid of everything in one fell swoop!

So, I'm about half-way done, and really all that it comes down to is art and a toy bin.  I've been holding off on the silhouette because I wanted to know what size frame I was working with.  I have it in my mind to find an oval one at a thrift store.  Maybe Miss Rubes and I will go thrifting on a day we have nothing to do.  And after that, it will be DONE, and that will feel fantastic.

Plus, it will free up some time for birthday party planning, seen as how someone will be turning one in less than four months!  Eek!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Heidi! I can't believe it took me so long to just get it done already!
