
Monday, January 28, 2013

Week in iPhone Pictures

Yet another week down!  The highlight of this one (besides getting to spend it with my girl, of course) was definitely the Young House Love book signing!

January 20-26

Sunday:  Not a whole lot, just exersaucin'.  Monday:  It really bugs me that this says "oval" when it is actually an ellipse (and I also really wish it weren't in all-caps).  I've been looking for mini rubber ducks for Ruby for months, and we finally found some at Joann's (she kept holding them out like that to look at them, lol).  First bath in the big girl tub was not really successful.  Tuesday:  I went to grab the laundry (just outside my bedroom door) and came back to this... She had been sitting up and facing the other direction!  Playing in her buddy's jumperoo.  Just a girl and her dog.  Wednesday:  My silly girl loves to shop.  Lizard baby was showing me where she bit her tongue, after getting in her 2nd tooth!

Thursday:  When she wants more food now, she points to her tray, like, "put it here, NOW".  In baby class she absconded with my granola chips (which are soooooo good!).  Friday:  Good morning, Tacoma Dome!  Waiting for John & Sherry.  Our little play set up for our wait.  I take my girl to meet two NY Times best selling authors, and she gives one a dental exam.  She likes to cross her toes at dinner.  Saturday:  This one's "crawling" all over me.  Actual crawling?  She gives up, it's too hard.


  1. New to your blog, just wanted to say hi :) And that Ruby is adorable! That pic of her giving up on crawling cracked me up!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Sara! That pic cracks me up too, she does that all the time. =)
