
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week in iPhone Pictures

January 27 - February 2

Sunday:  Very hungry for caterpillars!  Nursery mobile progress.  Monday:  Poppin' tags at the thrift shop.  I paid $2.29 for gas, and Mr. G's response.  If You Give a Pig a Party.  Trying out a sweet potato fry.  Tuesday:  "Um, what?  No, I didn't take out all these toys..."  A good day for bear slippers.  Sharing a paci with the dog.

Wednesday:  Making frozen applesauce drops for the mesh feeder (I think it feels pretty good when she's teething).  We checked out story time at the library, and they have play time at the end.  I stopped at Subway on the way home, and yes, I measured my sub (it was 12.5"!).  Thursday:  Bananas and pancakes for breakfast.  Chompin' it up in baby class.  Friday:  Peepin' out the Target clearance shelf.  This is what no naps looks like.  Saturday:  Her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.  Grandpa (Mr. G's dad) had a heart attack Friday night, so we went to cheer him up at the hospital.  He's already home now, and feeling much better.

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