
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

DIY Pointing Activity

One of the best things about finding some mommy-friends is the idea sharing that comes along with them.  Case in point this little pointing activity I'm going to share with you.  The idea is totally not mine at all, but luckily my friend Jessie doesn't mind sharing!

Ruby is for sure a pointer.  In fact, I often get, "She sure does like to point at stuff, doesn't she?"  I think it's mostly her personality, because we really didn't do anything to encourage this, other than ask her where stuff was once she started pointing it out (specifically the bears on her pajamas to start).  Because of this, I wasn't sure if she'd really need or want this toy, but she loves it and it was SUPER easy to make!

To make your own, you will need:

* An empty cardboard egg carton
* 12 various inviting objects, such as beads, pasta, buttons, stickers, bells, small erasers, colorful/sparkly paint, etc.
* A hot glue gun.

And that's it!

So let's get started.  Assemble all of your stuff.  Good.  Did you make sure to have a cardboard egg carton?  Don't use the styrofoam ones, or they might melt with your glue!

Determine the order in which you'd like to place your objects.  I went for a loose rainbow order.

Now, get gluing!

Try not to burn yourself.  I was not successful at this.

If you're using paint, paint/squirt it into the egg cup.  I used this silver puffy paint that we had on hand from our Easter egg dye kit.

Let everything dry/harden/cool down, and check for durability.  Pretty much ALL of this stuff is a choking hazard, which means you do not want anything to be loose!  Also, please please please don't give this to your child unless you are going to be right there to supervise.  Just in case.

Voila, you are done!  Give it to your babe and let them point to their heart's content.

Did I mention she loves it?  She requests it all. the. time.

Now go forth and make your own!  =)


  1. This is adorable! My son loves touching ribbons and fake flowers so I know he will enjoy this. Adding this to my to-do list for this weekend!

    1. I'm glad you liked it! Ribbons and fake flowers would both be AWESOME in this!
