
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Week in iPhone Pictures

March 24-30

Sunday:  Baby girl got her rally cap on for the Bucks game.  A pregnant friend of mine asked that I send her a photo of our diaper "disposal" set-up: wet bag, covers, and a bag for the occasional trash item.  Ruby's first bubble bath, with "soothing vapors" because she had a sad little cold!  She wasn't too sure about the bubbles.  Monday:  Swinging at the park.  Somebody discovered her curtains and insisted she play like that.  Her cold made her a sippy cup drinking champ (even the ones with the valves!).  Tuesday:  Another mailbox treat for the Easter Bunny (yep, the EB loves neon too).  Scouting some nursery fabrics for a friend.  Too peaceful to wake from this car seat nap.

Wednesday:  She requested (by pointing) a laundry basket ride.  Trying to break into the laundry closet to get at the dryer!  Thursday:  At our lunch date after baby class, she kept pointing at other diners, trying to mooch their food.  A quick evening swing before game time.  Friday:  Enamored with the fishies at grandpa's house.  Again with the food-mooching; this time it was my blueberries.  We made a quick stop at Trophy to get cupcakes, then brought them to Grandma's work for her birthday!  Saturday:  We knew it would happen - Mr. G was out of town, so of course, she cut a tooth!  Licking the frosting spatula from our Easter cake.  Something tells me this kid is going to enjoy her birthday.

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