
Monday, April 29, 2013

Week in iPhone Pictures

Good Monday morning, everybody!  Actually, it's kind of yucky here, pouring down rain, and Ruby and I are going into the city at the tail end of rush hour traffic.  Ick.  BUT, we're going to my dad's for some birthday breakfast celebration (mine was yesterday, his was three days before, and Ruby's is this Saturday!).  So not too shabby!

Speaking of my birthday, I've been so focused on getting ready for Ruby's party, that I almost forgot it was my own first.  While I was in the shower, Mr. G left me a trail of birthday cards (from the dog, the baby, and himself), which led me downstairs to find....

A new sewing machine!!!  I'm beyond excited about this.  I've been sewing on my $60 Brother, and while I've gotten probably more out of that machine than most do, it has been pretty frustrating and limiting.  Just this week, I was about to throw it out the window because trying to sew a simple applique on a onesie for Ruby's party resulted in two trashed onesies (and they were good Carter's ones, too).  Argh!  But now I have this beauty, and I can't WAIT to learn how to use it!

Anyway, last week was a good one, and a busy one.  Ruby had a nasty cold still, so we skipped some of our regular activities, but I spent every naptime working on birthday party projects!

April 21-27

Sunday:  Sick, but not too sick to not cause trouble!  Pony-riding time.  For some reason Braidy always lays under the jumperoo if we are in Ruby's room (and she's not jumping).  Monday:  Happy Earth Day  from this cloth-diapered baby!  Can't stand this cuteness - reading Go Dog Go.  Grandma came over, and they read more Dr. Seuss.  Tuesday:  Bedhead and doggie snuggles.  We sent this picture to Mr. G after our hospital volunteer interview with the text, "Dada come home soon?"  Dada came home, and we took a walk in the glorious sunshine we had.

Wednesday: We were busy!  We went to World Market, which is next to Daddy's work, so we saw him too, before heading to Ikea.  Back home, Ruby really dug in to the party planning.  And helped out with the laundry (she really did empty that entire dryer into the laundry basket!).  Thursday:  Loving waking up to that sunshine!!!  We walked to the park with the good swings.   I forgot how steep the first hill is, and how long of a trip (3+ miles), and I was so tired when we were done!  Friday:  Cap'n blueberry beard.  Another lovely walk, wearing what we call her "stunna shades".  Saturday:  Morning snuggles with Dada.  Trying to grab Braidy's tail (Braids was less than impressed).

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